Direct Store Delivery for Retailers 

As more and more demand and competition starts to increase, you may wonder if there are new ways to make the supply chain more efficient. Some people have looked to optimize this by improving this and shaving off some of the costs. 

Some retailers however may want to cut out the supply chain period and opt for what’s called direct store delivery. the problem with this, however, is that it’s not easy to put together nor is it considered the best option, but when you put this in correctly, it can offer some massive savings to your costs, and a host of other benefits that will help businesses get a huge advantage down the line. 

What is it and the Benefits? 

You might wonder what this is. Basically, this is when you have the manufacturer of something delivers directly ships it to a specific location, rather than using a distribution center to help do the job. 

The benefits of this is that it’s good for those who want something a bit more simplified, and it helps to offer the suppler the good that you need, and it helps reduce how much you’re going to spend, properly streamlines it, and overall is a better option. 

When to get this 

If you’re a supplier that does use fresh foods and perishables, the higher your expiration date risk and the shorter the shelf life of the inventory is, this can definitely be something that’s a challenge, and it ca be an opportunity for you to create something that’s been made so that you don’t have to worry about it being damaged 

This also is great for fragile items as they’re moved far less, and the perishables get to the shelves in a quicker fashion, which is something that a lot of grocery stores do use. 

It also is good for those who don’t want to spend the extra money to store the item in the warehouse, and it also reduces the different expenses that come with this too, and it can be something that’ll help with maintaining, renting, or even with staffing expenses, cutting down all of these. 

It also is good if you need something that has a lot of inventory turnover, and it can be something that you can have traveling directly from the suppliers directly to there. This helps it be availible, and it also has the highest turnover of the inventory, which is good for a lot of stores as well who have limited space. 

It also is good if you’re a business that thrives on proper customer experience. If you don’t want things to be out of stock and get people upset, it’s something to consider, as this can help get the items to them a lot quicker. 

The challenges 

That isn’t to say it’s all that easy. In fact, it can be a challenge. While direct store delivery does get rid of the labor and warehousing, because of the urgency, it can make the transit costs rise. It also is definitely someone who works with SKUs, and if you have to correct problems that are happening. 

It is something as well which can be a problem if you do DTC fulfillment. While you may have a micro-fulfillment facility, you’ve got to watch the inventory levels, since this can be quite expensive. 

Finally, it can sometimes be hard if you don’t have the personnel to maintain he stock. It can however be a good option if you need it to be shipped out fast, and if you’re working with fragile items, it’s a must to use.

Custom Packaging for businesses 

Custom packaging is one aspect that a lot of people are looking at. It’s underestimated by many, but it’s becoming one of the most common types of solutions out there. The right packaging is more than just for products and the containers of such. It’s a much larger, more important role. Here, we’ll go over why you should use this, and some creative ways to use custom packaging. 

First impressions Matter 

First impressions are something that a lot of people struggle with. As humans, we’re naturally visual, so if you want to stand out, and really get people to wow over the product, the packaging is what people will see first and foremost, so if you want to stand out in a sea of boxes and such, this is how you do it. 

Makes them stand out 

This of course also lets you give them something to remember in a lot of cases/. People remember packaging that’s different, and they remember packaging that isn’t just the same old same old. Plus, you can also make them stand out in different ways that you can really enjoy. Logos, branded names, high-quality packaging, this is great for building the brand to a much further, better manner. 

Plus, it lets you inject your personality into the brand, something some customers struggle with. Branded tape, stickers designs for boxes, and also bolder designs do help to make the statements that you want to. 

Designing for customers 

If you’re not sure whether or not you should use custom packaging, think about how you can design for customers. Some of these products may require you to use certain items. For example, construction equipment may use a crowbar, so you want to pick the colors and imagery to fit the needs of the audience. 

You should also look at the way the product is shaped. Some people can fit products in any old box, but others are strange. And if you don’t want to make it bland and boring, you can get custom packaging that fits the box style that you need. It also is great for offering the proper balance between form along with function. 

If you’re going to create custom packaging, you also need to look at the fragile nature of the product that’s there. If you ship items that are fragile incorrectly, there is always a risk for possibly ruining the product before it gets there, as businesses and shippers are not as careful with the product. 

You want to make sure that the products are snug, have conditioning and air fill or other types of dunnage within this to help with this. You also may want to look at mailers and shippers to help keep every single item safe. Any bigger items will be put in products that are bigger padding such as air fill, crinkle paper, bubble wrap, and even Styrofoam inserts are also used in a lot of cases, but you should also focus on the budgeting that’s used there. 

You also will want to make sure that you give them a product that fits the packaging, as this can improve the shipping, reduce the costs of logistics, and also helps you make sure that you’re getting the correct size for the product. Custom packaging helps with this, as it can fit the product at hand, offer protection, and not look goofy or careless. This also helps to improve the value of the product, and also will improve shares on social media. So if you haven’t looked at the ways to fix branded packaging with custom packaging, do that today! 

Does Packaging Matter to You 

If you’re someone who wants to take your business to the next level, you need to; look at your packaging. Working with a supplier offers great packaging advice and knowledge. But, there is something that you should also consider as well. Does packaging matter to you?  This is a question that’s come up recently, and it’s important for you to consider when designing a successful, effective packaging experience.

What’s More Important 

When you purchase equipment and packaging, does the expertise of the supplier actually matter. Or is the price the major decision?  This is something that is kind of food for thought for a lot of people. Many times, people just look at the numbers on the page, rather than the actual expertise.

But the thing is, if you only look at these, rather than the bigger picture, you’re going to have some issues as well.  if you don’t simply look at the expertise and what they can offer, you might be missing out on a lot of different suppliers.

Plenty of people struggle with finding the right packaging that makes a splash.  Sure, they might be working with a supplier that’s good in terms of price, but then they come back later on and are like “what did I do wrong” when they’re not getting the results. What’s the problem that’s happening here? 

The problem is that their product packaging is being determined based on the price, rather than the costs. This plays a huge role kin the way things go. A lot of people don’t realize how much of a struggle it is for you to just have the packaging in place, but don’t actively have the right retailers that deliver what you need. You might think you’re doing the right thing, but you’re missing a vital part of this.

The Right Supplier Fixes this 

Price points do matter, but a packaging supplier that can deliver on the needs that you have is just s important. Plenty of people walk in and have specific demands on the types of packaging that they need. They’ll work on just getting the product for a certain price, when they miss out on a ton of what’s needed. A packaging supplier that offers a variety of different options is important. It might not be necessary at first glance, but then you’re looking at the different options that are there, this is just as important.

If for example, you get a supplier that offers novel ideas, and packaging that’ll deliver, you’ll see the difference it makes. People will be shocked at the way things are, and also, at the details that you put into this. If you’re someone who is looking to get specific shrink film, or maybe a different flowline for your products, then finding the correct supplier for this will change the game. A lot of times, people don’t do this, and this creates a problem down the line.

They think they have the right solution, but they missed a couple of ideal options in the windows, making it a big problem for them.

With that said, you need to make sure that you focus on all of the different aspects of each, and make sure that you have all of the necessities covered with this. If you don’t, then look at the right types of packaging, and then try to find a supplier that either fits the price, or the expertise, and also, whatever else you need.

Find the ideal one for the job, and you’ll see for yourself the difference that high-quality packaging for a great price delivers.